The Labor Rate Data Model

labor rate data model
Reference: Labor Rate Data Model

Team Defaults

The base labor rate is established at the Team level. Edit the team settings to change the team default labor rate.

Team Member (User) Specific Labor Rates

You may also override the team default labor rate for specific team members.

  1. Browse to the team you wish to adjust.
  2. From the Members listing, identify the mechanic that you wish to edit, and click the corresponding Settings link.

    labor rate per team

  3. Edit the mechanic accounting details: labor rate, accounting class, accounting item, income account.

    mechanic accounting settings

Mechanic Accounting Settings Defined

  1. Labor Rate is the base labor rate that Quantum MX will use when computing the labor cost of repairs. Customer discounts and markups are applied to this base rate.

  2. Accounting Item Code is the Quickbooks Item or Quickbooks Online Product and Service item that is used when creating Quickbooks invoice line items. This setting must be an exact text match to the Quickbooks item.

    Quickbooks Online Accounting Item

  3. Accounting Class is the Quickbooks class that will be assigned to invoice line items associated with the mechanic's labor.

  4. Income Account is the Quickbooks income account that is associated with the mechanic. This setting is used only to create Quickbooks items using the IIF interface to Quickbooks Desktop. The Income Account setting is not used if integrating with Quickbooks Online.

Learn more about the Labor Rate Data Model

Discrepancy Specific Labor Rates

You may override the computed labor rate at the Discrepancy level of a work order. The override labor rate will be used to compute the labor cost for the entire discrepancy, including all work entries contained within it.

  1. Edit the discrepancy.
  2. Enter a labor rate override value.
  3. Save the discprenacy record.

Discrepancies that have a specified labor rate will show the non-standard labor rate in a yellow color.

discrepancy labor override

The discrepancy level labor rate will override all other markups and discounts. All work entries contained within the discrepancy will use the discrepancy level labor rate override.

Work Order Specific Labor Rates

When a work order is created, Quantum MX computes and stores the effective labor rates in the Work Order labor rate table. The customer and aircraft markups and discounts are applied. From this point forward, the work order specific labor rate table is used for all accounting calculations.

Managers may edit the work order labor rate table by clicking Settings -> Labor Settings in the upper panel.
work order labor rate settings

The labor rate for individual mechanic certs may be customized, allowing you to bill different rates for helpers, DER, I/A, etc. Click the labor rate to edit it in place.
labor rate edit in place

To restrict a mechanic from owning a Discrepancy, Work Entry, or Logbook Entry, use the Delete option to remove the mechanic from the authorized list. Mechanics who are not authorized will not appear in the Mechanic Cert drop down select for Discrepancies, Work Entries or Logbook Entries, however they may still clock in/out and create time sheet entries within the work order.

authorize labor rates on work order

Mechanics who own an item in the Work Order, or who are the team manager may not be removed from the Authorized list.

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