The online store allows you to purchase products using your client account. Browse products, add products to your shopping cart, and place orders. Contact your representative to arrange for product pickup or delivery.
Browsing Products
Click Shop to browse products in the online store.
Selecting Products for Purchase
Use the Add to Cart button to add a product to your shopping cart. When your shopping cart contains products, the Shop menu will become My Cart.
Click the quantity number to modify the quantity.
Click Remove from Cart to remove the item from your shopping cart.
- Click Place Order when you are ready to formally complete your order.
Placing Orders
After you click Place Order, a transaction for the order total will be added to your client ledger, updating your account. Your balance due may be settled using Chronos' normal payment features.
You will receive an email confirming your order. Please arrange for pickup or shipping with your FBO or flight school focal.
Viewing Your Order History
Your order history may be viewed by selecting Orders from the Store menu.
Administrators will see a listing of all client's orders.
Viewing Ledger Transactions
Completed Orders will be associated with a transaction in the client accounting statement. Order transactions will be identified with a shopping cart icon. The order details may be viewed directly from the ledger by expanding the ledger transaction line.
Click on the order transaction to vew the order details in a convenient popup.