Logging a Usage

Usage entries may be anchored to a reservation (preferred method), or logged freely.

Reservation Based Usage Entry

  1. Locate a reservation in the calendar and click on it.
  2. Click Log a Usage

    log a usage from a reservation

RECOMMENDED: This is the recommended method for logging a usage that will contain entries for all bookable resources that were scheduled in the reservation.

Free Usage Entry

  1. Click Log a Usage from the main menu.
  2. Select the bookable resource.

log a usage action from the menu bar

Usage Entry Data

After clicking Log a Usage, you will be prompted for the usage data.

usage data form

1. The form will respond to the configured timer type for the bookable.
2. Multiple resources may be combined under a single usage entry. Use the tab feature to select the resources to view the data entry form for each resource.

3. The check boxes may be used to deselect timer types from the usage entry. This is most commonly used when logging pilot or instructor time. For example, deselect "ground time" if no ground dual instruction is logged for that timer type. Timer inputs may be configured as required in the bookable resource pricing and usage tracking configuration. The check box control will only be available for timer inputs that are not required per this configuration.



timer types
standard prompts for IN and OUT times, displays the duration. (e.g. aircraft hobbs/tach times)
incremental prompts for DURATION only (e.g. flight instructor flight/ground hours)
counter no prompt, automatically increments a counter value (e.g. total number of usages)
clock promps for date and time

Adding Additional Resources

If the generic Log a Usage feature is used, a single resource will appear in the Usage Data list. Use the Add a Resource feature to add additional resources to the usage entry.

dynamic add a resource

Removing Timer Fields

Timer fields may be removed from the entry by de-selecting the check box that is adjacent to the timer name. Chronos will only capture the data for timers with an enabled check box.

deselecting timer fields from usage

Activity Information

Specify the Activity Type and Route of Flight information to help your operator track usage metrics. Regulatory audits may require the operator to report rental vs. student training activities, or in-state vs. out of state flights.

Route of flight should be entered similarly to your flight plan: e.g. KSTL FTZ KCOU

Validation Errors

  1. The duration of an entry may not be negative.

    negative usage duration error

  2. Duration values are required. Use the check box to remove unused timer items from the entry.
    timer duration required

Custom Pricing Per Usage

When usages are entered, admin users may customize the pricing in an ad hoc manner. This feature provides pricing flexibility when non-standard usages are entered such as:

  1. Special pricing for demonstration or introductory flights.
  2. Special pricing for charter vs. rental flights.
  3. Special deals such as coupons or gift certificates.

To edit the pricing when entering a usage, use the Accounting option as shown.


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