A dispatch sheet may be printed before each flight. The dispatch sheet contains the following information:

  1. The current aircraft times.
  2. The current aircraft reminder status.
  3. The date and client name.
  4. A customizable dispatch message (administrators).
  5. Reservation information (if applicable).

Dispatch sheets may be printed for a reservation or for an individual bookable resource.

Dispatch Sheet for Reservation

Click a reservation in the calendar and select the Dispatch Sheet link. A PDF will be downloaded to your computer. The dispatch sheet will contain a table for recording the OUT and IN times for each bookable resource and the current reminder status for each bookable resource for the reservation.

reservation dispatch sheet link

Dispatch Sheet for Bookable

To view a dispatch sheet for an individual bookable, click Dispatch Sheet from the bookable popup menu.

bookable dispatch sheet

Customizing the Dispatch Status Sheet

This feature is available for administrators only.

A custom block of text may be added to the dispatch status sheet using the Pages feature.

  1. Click Menu / Administration - Pages to view the pages listing.
  2. Create a new Page titled Dispatch.
  3. The content block will be added to the bottom of all dispatch status PDFs.

dispatch page

This content is public.

More detailed content is available for registered users. Registration is FREE at FLY Online Tools.